Southern IL SMB Owner
Research Project

We need good data to help small business owners. Contribute and get your score, by filling out an index below.

The biggest issue facing us is that 80% of small business just shut their doors. 80% of those that try to sell can't. Most don't sell, transfer or exit any of the other ways. This is a problem for the owner, the employees, and our communities.

Our small businesses are the lifeblood of out communities. They provide for our charities, schools, and employment that pays for houses, parks. But they are valuable themselves, providing places to meet, services and products in a way corporate chains can't. In rural Illinois we have more older business owners, working longer, and loosing more of their hard earned capital. This research will help make a difference.

Southern Illinois Business Exit Readiness Index ™ (BERI™)  

Southern Illinois Owner Dependence Index™ (ODI™)

Southern Illinois Business Growth Planning Index™ (GPI™)